Everything Forms A Whole

How can we integrate the element of our divinity or spirituality into our daily life?

Spirituality, as you interpret it, does not exist in my language and is an unknown and misunderstood notion in your mind.

How can you separate the ocean from the earth?  Everything is a whole that is never disassociated. Think about it, how could you set apart the main elements of the earth? How would you divide the water from the earth? The soil which forms the land has its own qualities of regeneration, yet, without the ocean, it would not exist. In fact, without the ocean, the earth could not sustain itself at all. The opposite is also true, the bodies of water would have no reason to be if it were not for the land which contain them. In reality, they contain one another and EVERYTHING FORMS A WHOLE.

In the same sense, a spirit without a body to house it does not find the conditions suitable for life. How could the spirit generate a thought if it has no brain to enable it. How would it live in the everyday of this world.

The answer to your question is consequently very simple, you must stop creating divisions, because divisions do not exist.

You are divine beings because of the divine part in you that gives you the breath. You are earthly because you have a very intelligent earthly body that knows perfectly what it needs to live in harmony with the soul (or spirit) that allows it to BE. There is no dissociation.

So where is the mystery? BEING means to know deeply that the divine energy is in you, God is in you. You are all unique, nevertheless, you are all equal, each one created in the same way, without division, otherwise you would not be on this plane of existence.

I, Breath of Life


Break The Cycle!


Time, Creation and Divine Energy