Break The Cycle!

The Mother of Mothers speaks to the children scattered across my solar layer:

Today I want to speak to you about the existence of wars that are a sign of change, a change inexplicable to your mind. Wars only cause loss of lives that should live on. When at war, everywhere, there is shortage of bread, shortage of water, catastrophic world death rates, truly a living hell as you describe it. One important thing to consider through these horrific events, that are not of my making and are certainly not written in the book of life, is that, in essence, they are the accrual of human viciousness that is revealed through thoughts of immense possession creating terrible chaos in the minds of some world leaders.

The mind of the human being creates this great confusion. It is never foreseen or even predicted at the universal level that the people of the earth should suffer in this way and this is mainly done by humans to assuage their need to get the so-called bigger slice than their neighbour's slice. Wars also have another purpose for the human being who refuses to change other than through the learning that suffering produces. Human beings are not able to appreciate all that I offer them if they do not suffer or live in lack of welfare.

Do you really believe that you must suffer in order to learn? Strangely enough, suffering creates very negative emotions in most individuals, inciting hatred, revenge, sadness, jealousy... The cycle therefore repeats itself; you believe you must suffer in order to learn, however, by suffering, you create even more suffering. You must know that one always creates that which one focuses on. Consequently, if you focus on suffering, you create suffering. The opposite is also true, focus on love, forgiveness respect and create love, forgiveness and respect.

Why go through so much pain? With respect alone everything would be so much easier. In fact, nothing is more accurately expressed than respect and love for the planet that hosts you. Never forget that you are my guests and not managers of the future of other peoples or of lands that do not belong to you. Only because of its greed, did the human being create a world of apparent peace, unfortunately, this is not the reality. My request to the children of the earth is this: MAY DEEP REFLECTION BE!  Certainly not everyone can change at the same time, but a collective deep thought can reach the minds of so many beings. Never forget that the Creator protects you and I protect you.

The Mother of the Earth, Mother of Mothers, greets you with love and respect


Thank you Mom!


Everything Forms A Whole