Time, Creation and Divine Energy

The sky, the stars, are the stimulus of creation, the sky represents infinity and the stars are the souls which return. However, they also need the clouds, the sun, the moon and all other necessary elements for life to begin again.  Humanity’s concept of time is entirely incorrect.  Time as you know it does not exist.  True Time is the principal element of creation, allow me to explain… 

Time is creation itself because it is the nucleus of creation. 

Time in your language indicates, a journey, daily life, daytime, nighttime, but Time is that which regenerates everything, that atomic layer which allows life to exist.  It is not only a magnetic force, it is everything, without it, light itself would not exist.  I do not speak only of day light but true Light.  There is no time in Time because everything is Time, how can you control something which allows you to exist, without it nothing does. 

Therefore, I repeat, true Time is not that which you are accustomed to but the very principal element of creation. 

What is this magnetic force ? 

There is a supreme power which contains everything and it is the power of creation, that power which, for Us, is Time. In other dimensions you may refer to it as God, because without it nothing exists.  It isn’t a power which thinks, its sole purpose is to create. 

Where does divine intelligence fit into all of this? 

I am Divine Intelligence, you are also Divine Intelligence.  Every single thought creates Divine Intelligence.  All thoughts of every existence are gathered and all of it constitutes Divine Intelligence.  The more your think, the more you educate your Self, the more you think, the more you create beautiful things, the more you think, the closer you get to Us who hold Divine Intelligence, the more you think, the more you want to know… 

Now you want to know, who is this Us I refer to. No longer being bound by a body composed of matter as yours is, We are not exposed to the conflict which takes place in the human mind, Us is therefore nothing more but Divine Superior Intelligence. 

Some call you God, others Creator, Father, I myself, often call you Mother, what shall we call you? 

These are none other but words, do not worry so much about what you call me, all names are identical.  I am the Universal Creator to whom you shall remit all things in order to do good works.

The Initial Creator is the powerful energy that directs everything. It resides within you, there lies its power, through your body and your thoughts, it transmits everything to your being.

You believe that there is a division between your body, soul and spirit, but that which directs your being is only one single force, you are divine energy in all of its forms.

When one refers to God as being "God of the earth", it is because you are embodied in a human body on this planet, consequently, you also become a "God of the earth". Some of you may think this sounds blasphemous, however, are you not God's creation? 

The earth has the same sonic dimensionality as you, when the creator acts, it too absorbs the same influences and that is why it is also a "God of the earth".

The word "God" can only be defined as the supreme force in the universe which is experienced by you. In other dimensions, it is called otherwise, but it is still the famous master force of all energies.

A powerful spirit becomes all in one. The soul is that which receives instructions and transmits them to the spirit. The spirit only transmits that which is necessary at the given moment.

You are the perfect replica of the Initial Creator within a human vehicle.

God, Creator, Father, Mother…


Everything Forms A Whole


My Child, The Earth