Just another site on spirituality? Not exactly!

Welcome! That which I will share with you in this blog is not a work of fiction, it is a true story, a story of divine energy phenomenon which lives and reigns in all beings and creatures existing on this earth. 

My name is Anna, nothing distinguishes me from any other human being.  I don’t possess great religious knowledge and am just like many other people, like you. I am an accountant, single mother of two, I have had a thriving career which has always kept me more than busy. 

I’ve never had much spare time, no time for silly things such as “spiritual development”.

In the early nineties, I began to hear a voice that would provide answers to questions I would formulate in my mind and I truly believed that it must have been an unconscious conversation which was taking place between myself and I, or that my mind was simply generating the responses on its own. Much like when you are driving and, suddenly, find that you’ve reached your destination but you cannot remember the making journey.

However, as time went on, along with this voice, I also started to get visions, or see images of other places, other things, places I had never been to, things I had never seen.  

I have always been a very logical thinker: numbers, facts, tangible and physical things made sense to me. I came to the conclusion that I must have been overworked and tired, maybe even overwhelmed with all of my responsibilities.  I, therefore, pushed it aside and wrote it off as physical and mental fatigue. 

Given that these occurrences persisted and convinced that I was probably headed for a burnout, I decided to sign up for a guided meditation class, my only goal was to acquire the skills to quiet my mind which was clearly in overdrive and to better organize my time so as to decrease the obvious stress which was, according to me, the sole cause of my “ailments”. 

To be completely honest, I was impatient and found the classes to be extremely boring, a waste of my time. However, during one of the sessions, something odd happened and I began to feel the presence of an entity, or entities. I could hear their voices as they spoke to me, offering instructions and guidance which at the time made absolutely no sense to me.  The voices seemed to be giving me information about the health status of the other class attendees.  At the end of the session, I spoke to the class instructor about what I had just gone through and he believed it may be my “guides” contacting me.  I listened, mostly out of politeness. The truth is that, being an analytical thinker, I was skeptical and if I couldn’t see it there was a big chance that it simply did not exist. 

One day, as I was sitting in my office, I began to feel extremely ill, a physical exhaustion came over me and my right hand began to shake, I was frightened. Having always been blessed with a perfect bill of health, I didn’t know how to make sense of the symptoms I was feeling. 

While I desperately tried to calm my spiraling thoughts, I heard an unambiguous voice prompting me to pick up my pen.  The voice then commanded: “Now write what I will dictate to you”.  I knew this voice so well, it was unequivocal and clear as day, my deceased father that had passed some twenty-five years prior, was speaking to me.

I began to take down the dictation. He expressed feeling overjoyed at being able to communicate with me through these lines.  He reassured me telling me not to be afraid as everything would be explained to me in due time and, while the emotional overwhelm, disbelief, fear, confusion were impossible to shake off, my father’s comforting voice helped me to find a sense of peace. The conversation was so direct, open and clear, it was like being able to physically speak to him. 

For three weeks, I continued to communicate with my father through a dictation that I could only hear in my left ear.  He spoke of our time together on earth, it was a communication with a father that no longer bore a human quality but nothing other than pure love for his daughter, warning me, however, that soon other things would be explained to me.  I didn’t understand what he meant and didn’t care to question him, I was happy and living something incredibly amazing.

One night, as I reached for my notebook to begin my daily communication with my father, I put my pen down on the page to receive his dictation.  To my disbelief, the first words I heard were: Message from your Creator… 

I remember immediately feeling afraid and unsure of everything that had happened in the prior weeks. I was suddenly convinced that the dictations of the last 21 days from my father, were but a figment of my sick imagination. This wasn’t fun anymore, I wanted it to stop, but the voice continued:

 I am the Creator who speaks to you, it is not your human mind which translates as it wishes. 

I am for you that which you were seeking.  YOU HAVE FOUND ME! 

It is only your fear which is confusing your mind.  Who am I? Who is speaking? Is this a fabrication of my mind?

IT IS I, Divine Being in you, who speaks, He who directs your soul, He who directs your earthly being, He who ensures all is established and done according to My will.  That which I dictate to you is Sacred Truth. Nothing is invented by you.  These are Secrets which only your soul knows and recognizes. 

This is just a quick glimpse of how my story began and I have since been in direct communication with God, angels, people who have crossed over. I have developed my abilities as a medium, spiritual healer and spiritual messenger. It is my greatest hope that you can find a connection with our Creator through these blog posts where I will share with you the divine messages dictated to me. You may believe or not what I share, regardless, I am confident that there is something here for everyone and that you shall find peace, hope, love and comfort in the words shared on this site.

Grace & blessings,



Love And Respect…