Love And Respect…

I am very excited about today’s post! We have been working very hard to create this beautiful space to transmit divine messages of hope and love to everyone. This could not come at a better time. It is known to all that the world and the whole of humankind is suffering in many parts of the planet, and this, for many reasons. The most obvious reasons are conflicts and war, but there is also immense pain and suffering caused by disease, hunger, natural disasters, and so on. It strikes me as absurd how, often, we will refer to the latter as “acts of god”. This, however, could not be further from the truth. Our Creator cares for us, regardless of the different belief systems we have adopted. We are His creation, how could he not care for each and every single being?! I do not want to get into a debate here of creationism versus evolution, notwithstanding, whatever your beliefs are, if all that exists is a result of a big explosion, then I truly believe that it must have been a well thought out and calculated blast!

I sat the other day asking our Creator for a message to convey to you in light of this new website which is the vehicle I will be using to share the messages that God has been prompting me to make known with every person willing to accept it. One single person can make a difference in the embodiment of the light beings which we are. Many single people are a collectivity but it all starts with one.

Message from your Creator on December 6th, 2023

Today I am at everyone’s disposal, through these written lines, I am available to sent to you divine and human greetings. Never forget that, in order to ready yourself for the acceptance of that which I communicate, it is essential to believe that everyone, every single person, is a divine being…

I am the One that has created the sun, the moon, the stars and all the planets existing in the vast universe, the planets that you know of and those you have yet to discover. Today’s message is the following:

Your existence on this earth is not solely to live a life of sacrifice and hardship, your life is sacred to me as it should be to you. I have not created beings that must suffer in order to please me. Am I not a God of love? How then would it make sense that in order to please me you must suffer? I AM PURE LOVE, my existence is as yours is, I have created divine beings which resemble me in spirit and not beings made to suffer. Human ideas have created a great misconception and have created a distance between you and I. This is an enormous mistake. I am not distant; I am WITH you and IN you. Every cell in your body is both human and divine, your cells are life-giving because they bear the potency of the UNIVERSAL DIVINITY.

You are divine beings incarnated on earth to do My will, and My only will is that you shall respect and love everything and everyone that surrounds you and, above all, you must love and respect the earth which receives and shelters you. The universal laws are extremely simple: LOVE and RESPECT, there is but one directive. I ask that you accept this, it is the only way to embody sheer joy of life and contentment. I do not want children who suffer to please me, I HAVE NEVER ASKED THIS OF ANYONE.

Therefore, today's profound request is this: love and respect My creation, and above all else, love the bountiful Mother Earth who is your host, for in loving one another and every thing around, you also love Me.

From the very depths of all the universes, I welcome you and bless you with the very strength that only I, as CREATOR, possess.


What is love?

