What About Forgiveness?

Forgiveness is an integral part of humanity. In every corner of the earth, you should hear the word forgiveness being uttered, FORGIVENESS!

How can I explain to the people of the earth that, forgiveness, is not only forgiving others, but rather forgiving oneself for embodying such negative energy within? From this energy arise fears, illnesses, discord in families and among individuals in general.

Unknowingly, the range of negative emotions stemming from anger, rancor and lack of forgiveness looms ONLY over the being which carries it not toward whom the emotions are directed.

Take a moment to think about this: your anger and rancor hurt only you! To love and to forgive therefore ensures the complete well-being of the Self.

We must not forget that all harm done and felt by individuals remains forever written in the book of one's life. Nothing is erased from the collective memory of humanity and this behavior does bear a price which is, unfortunately, paid with illness, affliction and misery. 

Consequently, to love is to create and forgive, this is the only way to be graceful toward oneself and to ensure one’s well-being.

Always remember, each and every single person is responsible for its own actions toward others regardless of what others may have done to you.

Wherever you are, I wish you a happy day and a successful forgiveness.

Your Creator.


My Child, The Earth


What is love?