The departure

Nothing is ever lost and everything is transformed, this is the rule of creation.

Why is it that as beings of the earth we are never prepared for death (or departure), be it our own or that of beings dear to us?

Let us rather speak of a departure, because death, as you interpret it, does not exist.

You will never be entirely prepared for the so-called departure because it is a profound detachment from the being that you are in this life.

The departure is an official cycle of earthly life, this passage is difficult for you because you do not understand how it really works.  The being who has lived the necessary time of his earthly life must, necessarily, return to the place from whence it came, because with every human life, there is a definite cycle to be respected.

In reality, no one dies because, even at the human level, there always remains a living cell on earth that is transmitted from generation to generation. 

However, to answer the question, in the phase of “death”, the departure of a being consists of leaving a familiar group to find another well-known group and that is why it cannot be called death. Death being the end of a being's existence, you can understand why I say that death does not exist. Nobody and never can it be said that, while departing from the earth, the individual has died.

Nothing is ever lost and everything is transformed, this is the rule of creation. It is a metamorphosis much like the chrysalis undergoing a rebirth until it becomes a butterfly.

Each departure is merely a period of separation, and when the time is right every being will be reunited again.

I greet you from the depths of the heavens.

Your Creator


The Life-Creating Atomic Force